
Custom Closet

Linen Closet Los Angeles

Linen closets are often neglected and overlooked spaces in most homes. They’re rarely used for anything but storing clothes and bedding, so they can become cluttered with items that don’t belong there.

The problem is, many homeowners aren’t aware of how these spaces could be put to better use – especially if their bedroom closet is too small or it lacks one altogether. If you’re looking for more storage space, whether it’s for your kids’ toys or just your everyday essentials, then this article will show you how to repurpose your linen closet into something more useful.

Benefits of Linen Closets

1) Linen closets are often located in the bathroom, making them perfect for keeping towels and other shower essentials nearby. It’s also important to note that bathrooms are usually centrally located in most homes, meaning you’ll have easy access to toiletries and other items that you might need on a daily or weekly basis.

2) You can use the extra space provided by a linen closet for storage purposes. For example, dressers and bedside tables can take up too much room in your bedroom, so you might want to consider hanging up some of your clothes or placing them in boxes that can then be stored inside the closet.

3) If there’s enough space, you could even install a small foldout desk and use it as a makeshift office space. A closet like this will often be out of the way, and you won’t have to worry about privacy issues either.

Designing Your Linen Closet

How to Repurpose Your Linen Closet

If your linen closet is too small, you can still repurpose it into something useful that doesn’t involve clothes or bedding. You can always use the extra space to install a foldout desk and keep it near your computer to have a private office space. If you tend to spend time in your bedroom, then this could be an ideal option for putting the spare room to good use.

You can also repurpose your linen closet into a pantry for storing food items. Remember that you should only place non-perishable items inside this area, so your fresh foods are still well within reach.

If space is at a premium, then you could set up a small wardrobe in your room and keep your winter jackets there when they’re not being used. This saves space and ensures that your jackets are conveniently put away when you’re not using them.

Linen Closet Los Angeles