
Custom Closet

Size Standards Los Angeles

Do you know how big your custom closet should be to fit all your clothes? Do you have a plan for what organization system will work best for you?

If not, then it’s time to start thinking about these things. Having the right size for your closet is important because there won’t be enough room for everything if it’s too small. A good organization system can make or break an organized closet space — so make sure that part is well-planned.

Common Mistakes People Make When Designing Their Own Custom Closets

One of the most common mistakes is to think that you only need a closet for clothes. That’s not true, and if you limit yourself to that, then it won’t be nearly large enough.

Think big! Depending on how much storage space you have, consider adding other kinds of storage into your design as well — like a shoe rack, a chest of drawers for folded clothes, under-bed storage boxes, etc.

You should be able to fit everything you want to put into your closet and have it still looking neat and organized — not cluttered or overflowing. If that’s not possible, then either the measurements are wrong, or the organization system isn’t working for you.

Different Standard Sizes of Custom Closets

Different people have different needs. A college student, a stay-at-home mom, and a family all have different storage/closet size requirements because they don’t share the same clothes or belongings.

Space, Height, and Depth — What’s Best for Your Custom Closet?

It can be tempting to go overboard and make your closet as large as possible just because you have the space. But you should keep in mind that it may look empty most of the time if you do that. If your clothes aren’t going to fit, then you’re just wasting space.

You should aim for a standard of 12 inches from the back wall or any other wall to the front of your clothes for hanging outfits. If you have them folded in bins or stored above another surface, make sure there is at least 6 to 8 inches of room in front for you to access them.

Making the most out of your space is always an important goal when designing a custom closet. Nobody likes wasting space or putting anything together that doesn’t fit correctly. But sometimes, it happens even if we try hard not to. If your storage system seems like it would work better in different closet spaces, consider repurposing your design.

Size Standards Los Angeles